Citrix Site Creation

Site in a nutshell:

  • Site is what you would call a XA/XD Deployment.
  • Site is comprised of the following components:
    • Infrastructure (Control Layer)
      • DDC
      • DB
    • Machine Catalog (Control Layer)
      • ServerOS
      • Static Personal Desktop OS
      • Pooled Random Desktop OS
      • Remote PC
    • Virtual Resources (Compute Layer)
      • Hypervisor (Connections)
  • Site is usually mapped to either:
    • Datacenter
    • Geographical Location
  • You need at least one DDC prior to creating a site (Primary Delivery Controller) and a Site must exist before joining multiple DDCs

Site Setup

  • Once DDC and Studio has been installed, Studio welcome screen shows the following screen. First 2 options are for creating a site and last entry is to join additional controller to the Site.

  • When going with the first selection, you are prompted one of the following 2 options + a Site Name, regardless of the option you are choosing:
    • Create the site automatically
    • Empty site. For an empty site you have to manually configure the following components post setup, using the respective Studio tools:
      • Hypervisor
      • Network
      • Storage
      • App-V Settings


  • For the Database, you need to specify:
    • FQDN
    • Name
    • Generate DB script (in case that admin does not have SQL credentials to perform this automatically). This script can be ran by DB Admins on the DB server and set it up.

  • Once all info is filled in, go with test connection. If no DB exists and you want to create the DB automatically (and have proper DB permissions) go with ok.


  • Following details should be specified when configuring Licensing:
    • License Server Address (either FQDN or IP Address) and proper port (default is TCP 27000)
    • Adequate License Type


  • If Hypervisor is used, specify the details as follows:
    • Hypervisor Type. If no Hypervisor should be used now or is to be used on a later date, select “No machine management” from the drop down. This option allows to manually manage virtual or physical machines.
    • Connection address (web string)
    • Logon credentials
    • Connection Name
    • Provisioning Method (PVS, MCS, other)


  • If a host was specified on Hypervisor step, specify the following:
    • Name of the resources
    • Network of these virtual resources


  • Following selections are here available:
    • Available Storage Selection
    • Personal vDisk Storage (Desktop OS only):
      • Same storage for both VM and PVD
      • Store different storage for PVD (specify where)


  • If there is an App-V deployment available, this can be specified here in order to use application streaming


Once the Site is created, you can start setting up machine catalogs and delivery groups, thus being one step closer to resource delivery.

Additional DDCs can be added to the existing Site once the initial Site configuration has been performed.

Install the DDC and studio on another Windows Server just like with the first DDC but go with “Connect this Delivery Controller to an existing Site” when running Studio instead of the first selection that was done when creating the Site.

Controllers can be seen in Studio under the Controller Node. From here you can remove all but the last controller on the site

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